Human table soccer is one of the attractions of the vast Fun Project park, which is becoming more and more popular every year. Human Table Football is a fun game suitable for both children and adults. Equipped with an inflatable board, nets and aluminum rods the game of foosball becomes a real challenge where players anchored along said rods must slide in order to kick the ball, trying of course to make Goal!!!

Since it is a team game it is increasingly being used in corporate events, ward tournaments, street parties, birthdays and in any location where there is a desire to have fun. Its attractiveness lies not only in entertaining those who play but also in the involvement of the audience, which in an entirely natural way takes sides, giving rise to allegorical supporters.

Fun Project rents this attraction in Apulia with particular reference to the provinces of Lecce, Brindisi and Tranto but also on request throughout the national terriotory. To request more info about the attraction or related costs you can email or call 393.9280318.

Check out the other sports attractions that are part of the Park Fun project to make a day you can say….

Let the challenge begin.